Wing’s Neck Light
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Wing's Neck Light
Pocasset, Massachusetts
Est 1848; present lighthouse built 1890.

This lighthouse, unlike some of its celebrated Cape Cod neighbors, is not a magnet for sightseers. It’s in a private gated community and few ever see it up close. But if you’ve got money and want to spend a quiet vacation in an historic home surrounded by Buzzards Bay -- this might be for you.

Jeremy’s Lighthouse Guide #33


The first lighthouse in the Wing's Neck section of Pocasset was built in 1848. One early keeper, John Maxim, was killed at the Battle of Gettysburg. Albert Gifford served as keeper for 21 years beginning in 1887. On the night he died, Gifford’s wife carried on the duties of tending the light and winding the clockwork mechanism for the fog bell. Mrs. Gifford was keeper for two weeks before being relieved by Wallace Eldredge, son of a Nantucket whaler.

Veteran keeper George Howard arrived in 1921, with his brother William as his assistant. The Howard brothers gained widespread fame as lifesavers. In one instance, on July 14, 1931, a small boat capsized with a man and four young boys on board, and William Howard went out in the station's boat and rescued all five. During the following year the Howard brothers were credited with eight lives saved.

The station was discontinued in 1945. It was soon bought by Frank and Irene Flanagan of Boston for $13,738. The lighthouse quickly became a center of musical activity in the area. The Flanagans’ daughter Beth was a concert pianist. Barbershop quartet concerts frequently took place on the lawn, and the von Trapp family singers of Sound of Music fame spent some time visiting.

This 1890 lighthouse is now available for rent. For more information check your Google engine for the web site.

For much more HISTORY of this lighthouse click here

Wing's Neck

INside Wing's Neck LIght

Wing's Neck Light

Wing's Neck, Cape Cod

Copyright 2005 by Jeremy D'Entremont,New England Lighthouses
Photos are the property of the author and may not be used without permission.
Photos above from Jeremy D'Entremont.