The First Seacoast Criterium
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Portsmouth Criterium September 200 /

The fastest event in Portsmouth history will return on September 18. Downtown becomes a race track as expert cyclists vie for cash prizes. We were there for the last "Crit" back in 2000. Seems like a good time to pull out those pix and inspire young riders to train for the next big race. (Click for photos)



SEE: Dave Balin on Recreational Cycling

It looked like a flash in the pan. The fast-paced Seacoast Criterium whizzed through downtown Portsmouth and into the history books – or so it seemed. The carefully designed high-speed road event went off flawlessly, but not everyone was thrilled. Merchants complained and the race did not reappear. But five years later the Seacoast Criterium is coming around one more time.

Criterium biker passes Portsmouth Historical Society / SeacoastNH.comWe happened to grab a few shots of the original race. Our poor disposable camera was no match for the action as top-level professionals tore up the tarmac in Market Square in mid-September. With $30,000 invested in prizes, preparation and personnel, race organizers held their collective breath as heavy rains drenched the region the day prior. But gorgeous end-of-summer skies arrived in the nick of time.

Conceived by active bike route organizers from SABR, the race immediately attracted enthusiastic sponsors and racers. Despite advance promotion, many locals were surprised to find the busy downtown area closed to vehicles. A well-trained army of local volunteers marked out the route with barricades, netting and hay bales. Vendors and VIPs hovered in strategically placed tents as racers circled the brand new course.

After a stirring rendition of the Star Spangled Banner by a 10-year old Dover songster, women racers manned the course. The men followed. Music blared, bodies whipped by, and It was all over in a blur. Many top photographers were on the scene, however, we couldn't afford one. So we submit, for your approval, these eerie fuzzy images. Our favorite team, the New Hampshire Wheelmen (see bottom) came in dead last, but then again, their bikes were over 100 years old. They entertained the crowd with pedaling feats from an era when every bicycle ride was an act of heroism. – JDR

VISIT the official Seacoast Criterium web site

SeacoastNH Criterium Scrapbook
September 16, 2000

Seacoast Criterium 2000 (c)

View from above, September 2000 /

Criterium racer

Racing up Congress Street toward North Church /

NH Wheelman still going after all these years /

All photos (c) 2000