September 2006 Contest
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from SeacoastNH.com

Answer a Seacoast history question
and you might win a prize from
(Be sure to read the rules first)

September contest

Grand Prizes:
Over the year we receive a lot of books from publishers for review. You can read about some of them in our BOOK SECTION. Sure, we keep some, but there are more than we can cover and more than we can fit on the shelves. Sell them, you say. We could, but you may have noticed by now that this web site is much more about sharing information than making money. We prefer to pass on these books to readers. This contest is going to be freeform. At the end of the month, we will ship out as many books as we can afford to as many winners as possible – one book per winner. Books will be shipped media mail to winners in the continental USA. Finders keepers, losers weepers – from your friends at America’s Smallest Seacoast (sm). And welcome to another fall.

You have one more month to see the Literary Lions exhibit at the Portsmouth Athenaeum. It is a portrait gallery of the Seacoast area writers we focus on here on the web site. The exhibit was created, in part, by SeacoastNH.com and the NH Gazette and features local writers who have shuffled off this mortal coil. All of the following are Seacoast authors. Which one is not dead? (Click for exhibit info

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