Rescuing Whaleback Exhibit Open
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whlebackThe exhibit "Rescuing Whaleback Lighthouse: A Wave-swept Sentinel" is now open at the Discover Portsmouth Center. Eveyone who love Portsmouth and Kittery should take a moment to visit the exhibit to learn more about the history and preservation of the iconic lighthouse in Kittery, Maine. Saving this site depends on volunteers and local funding. (Continued below)


The exhibit details the historical, architectural, and engineering aspects of Whaleback Lighthouse, as well as the human history of the keepers who lived inside the tower until the light was automated om 1968. In addition to paintings, drawings, and photographs from the light station's 180-year history, the displays include a small Fresnel lens (similar to the lens that was once used in Whaleback Lighthouse), a spyglass that belonged to one of the keepers, and a model of the lighthouse.

Free gallery talks and a book signing are scheduled in conjunction with the Whaleback exhibit:

July 10, 11 a.m. - Noon. Jeremy D'Entremont, President, American Lighthouse Foundation, "Life on the Rocks: The Keepers of Whaleback"

July 24, 11 a.m - Noon. Dr. Sara Wermiel, "Building a Lighthouse on a Wave-Swept Rock: Whaleback and Kindred Lighthouses"

August 7, 11 a.m - Noon. Deane Rykerson, AIA Presevation Architect, "Preserving Our Lighthouse -- What Whaleback Needs"

Aug 21, 11 a.m - 1 p.m. Dr. Sara Wermiel signs copies of her book, Lighthouses.

The exhibit is presented by Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse in conjunction with the Portsmouth Historical Society. The Discover Portsmouth Center is at the corner of Middle and Islington Streets in downtown Portsmouth, NH. The center is open 7 days a week, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information on the free exhibit or opening reception, call 603-436-8433 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..