July 2008 Contest
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JULY  2008
from SeacoastNH.com

Answer a Seacoast history question
and you might win a prize from
(Be sure to read the
rules first)



Grant Prize
Two Collectible Shirts, One Winner

Look what we found in the SeacoastNH.com storage facility. It’s the T-shirt that launched a thousand web pages. Co-founder Tim Dubuque delivered up this rare collectible garment from the days before open source, text messaging, iPods, and YouTube. Back in those days people wore T-shirts too. This short-run long-format Hanes Beefy-T shirt was part of our original promotion back in the 20th century when we were all happy. This item predates the Bush Years and will make you the envy of Seacoasters everywhere. Comes with a second shirt of unknown size, prefect for your partner or canine companion. Wear it or put it in a vault for investment purposes – it’s up to you.


In 1938 John Robinson of Upton, MA built a motorized model airplane. He then joined the US Marine and fought at Iwo Jima, moved to New Hampshire, raised a family with his wife Phyllis, retired from the phone company. He then built the same model plane in the 21st century, almost 70 years later. The name of the model plane was what? (Click for hint)

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