Eastern Point Light
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Easter Point LIght / Jeremy D'Entremont
Gloucester, MA

Est 1832; present built 1890.
36 feet tall; light is 57 feet above water.

The Eastern Point section of Gloucester, at the entrance to the city’s fabled harbor, has been home to farms, a quarry, a Civil War fort, luxurious summer residences, and the Eastern Point Yacht Club.

Jeremy’s Lighthouse Guide #37

A lighthouse on Ten Pound Island was established in the inner harbor in 1821, but with the burgeoning fishing industry an aid was needed at the harbor’s entrance. An unlighted stone day mark tower was built at Eastern Point in 1829. Three years later, the tower was converted into a lighthouse. With the arrival of the railroad in Gloucester in 1847, the fishing business exploded into one of the world's largest and Eastern Point Light assumed new importance.

A new 34-foot lighthouse was built in 1848. It became known as the "ruby light" because of its brilliant red light, produced by French red plate glass surrounding 11 whale oil lamps and reflectors. The third and present Eastern Point Lighthouse, a 36-foot brick tower, was built in 1890 on the old foundation of the 1832 tower.

The 2,250-foot breakwater in front of the lighthouse was built between 1894 and 1905. At the end of this breakwater is another light, Gloucester Breakwater Light. The keeper of Eastern Point Light also had the duty of keeping this light, a dangerous task when ice covered the granite breakwater.

Eastern Point Light was automated in September 1985. The great-great-great grandson of the first keeper, local resident Carroll Wonson, was given the honor of being the last person to manually turn on the light. Two men stationed at Coast Guard Station Gloucester now live in the duplex keeper’s house with their families. There's a parking lot at the station, but the grounds are closed to the public. You can walk on the breakwater for excellent views of the lighthouse.

Here’s a message I recently received from Christine (O'Rourke) Plattner, wife of the Coast Guard keeper of this lighthouse from February 1983 through August 1984, BM1 Rick O’Rourke:

"My memories of life at the light are wonderful: the exciting winter storms with waves wildly crashing over the breakwater; the trail of fishing boats leaving the harbor every dawn; the artists from the Rocky Neck Artist Colony painting scenes of the lighthouse on warm summer days; welcoming visitors from around the world into our home for a tour of the lighthouse; collecting stray lobster buoys that washed ashore after a storm; eating lobster that my husband caught in his traps; listening to the fog bell moaning on foggy nights; and more and more and more. What a life experience! We loved it!"

For much more HISTORY of this lighthouse click here

Eastern Point

Eastern Point Lighthouse, Gloucester, MA

Eastern Point, Gloucester

Eastern Point, Gloucester, MA

Copyright 2005 by Jeremy D'Entremont,New England Lighthouses
Photos are the property of the author and may not be used without permission.
Photos above from Jeremy D'Entremont.