The Mind of John Mead Howells
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J M Howells (c) Strawbery Banke Museum

Strawbery Banke Presents

In the 1930s architect John Mead Howells had a brilliant idea. Why not restore the dilapidated South End waterfront into a National Park? Howells lobbied the federal government under Franklin Roosevelt for years, but to no avail.(See more below)




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Architext john Mead Howells (c) Strawbery Banke Museum courtesy of Howells Family. All rights reserved

Portsmouth was among three top park sites when World War II struck, and the national park plan was set aside. It was later revived by Howell’s daugher-in-law Muriel Howells who helped found Strawbery Banke Museum. J. M. Howells’ book "Architectural Heritage of the Piscataqua" is till popular today. (Photo courtesy of Howells family)

READ: Portsmouth Almost Becomes a National Park 

This image from the book STRAWBERY BANKE:
A Seaport Museum 400 Years in the Making
by J. Dennis Robinson
(c) Strawbery Banke Museum Collection

Strawbery Banke