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Knights Templar in Kennebunkport , MaineStrawbery Banke Presents

In "The Da Vinci Code" the Knights Templar is an ancient order of warrior monks who guard the secret tombs of Mary and Jesus. This, instead, is the DeWitt Clinton Commandery of Knights Templar, a Masonic order from Portsmouth. They pose here in front of The Breakers Hotel in Kennebunkport in 1915.




HISTORIC PHOTOS of the Greater Portsmouth Area appear here weekly

DeWitt Clinton Commandery of Knights Templar, a Masonic order from Portsmouth, NH

Early Photographs from the Collections of Strawbery Banke
by James L. Garvin & Susan Grigg, Peter Randall Publisher
(c) Strawbery Banke Museum . All rights reserved


DeWitt Clinton Commandery of Knights Templar, a Masonic order from Portsmouth, NH

DeWitt Clinton Commandery of Knights Templar, a Masonic order at The Breakers Hotel in Kennebunkport in 1915