Rare 1864 Photo Shows USS Franklin
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Launch of Piscataqua Ship/ Strawbery Banke ArchiveStrawbery Banke Presents

An early "action" photo shows the launch of the USS FRANKLIN on September 17, 1864. Ten years in the making the 265-foot steam-screw frigate was the largest wooden ship ever built at Portsmouth Yard. Here it leaves the gigantic doors of the Franklin Shiphouse. The picture shows a crowd of spectators and carriages including two horse-draw carts filled with brooms.



HISTORIC PHOTOS of the Greater Portsmouth Area appear here weekly

Launch of the USS Franklin in 1864 / (c) Strawbery Banke Archive

Early Photographs from the Collections of Strawbery Banke
by James L. Garvin & Susan Grigg, Peter Randall Publisher
(c) Strawbery Banke Museum . All rights reserved


USS Frankling / Strawbery Banke Museum

Spectator with brooms cart possibly from town highway dept / Strawbery Banke Archive