Goodbye Prisoners of War
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Portsmouth tourist 1898/Strawbery Banke ArchiveStrawbery Banke Presents

After summering in a makeshift prison on Seavey’s island, roughly 1,600 prisoners of the Spanish American War returned home. Most left in better condition. Sadly, some died. Tourists grew fond of watching  the POWs as they performed mock bullfights and washed their dishes in the river off Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Here sightseers wave goodbye to prisoners aboard the "City of Rome" in September 1898.



HISTORIC PHOTOS of the Greater Portsmouth Area appear here weekly

Spanish prisoners of war depart Portsmouth, Harbor from Maine penal colony in September 1898/ Strawbery Banke Archive

SEE the Spanish Prisoners in Navy Hospital

Early Photographs from the Collections of Strawbery Banke
by James L. Garvin & Susan Grigg, Peter Randall Publisher
(c) Strawbery Banke Museum . All rights reserved


Detail from 1898 farewell to Spanish prisoners / Strawbery banke Archive