Crime and Punishment in Market Square
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When not decked out for a festival, downtown Portsmouth can be a little drab. Rebuilt in brick after three devastating fires at the turn of the 19th century, the somber city center or "Parade" once included the Old Statehouse and the town pump. (Continued below)




HISTORIC PHOTOS of the Greater Portsmouth Area appear here weekl


There was no lively public art, like today’s giant ant sculpture (see below). Instead, until 1764 the pump was the site of public whippings for those who committed minor crimes like thievery or vandalism. The wooden pump was replaced by an iron horse watering trough (left) that is barely visible here, that survived until the automobile era in the early 20th century.


This giant ant was installed in Market Square in 2008 as part of the Overnight Art program and was temporarily beheaded by a vandal. ( photo)




All image (c) Strawbery Banke Museum. All rights reserved.