Another Moving Footnote to NH History
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196cu.jpgStrawbery Banke Presents

In 1836 Portsmouth citizens raised $700 to remove the 1758 Old State House from Market Square. The eastern part, less than one-third of the structure, was moved to Pitt Street, now Court Street as seen here (Read more below)




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Mr. Danielson, the Norwegian-born owner, boarded up the open end to create a rental unit. Purchased by the state of NH, the building fragment was moved across the street in 1969 in hopes of restoration. Unrestored due to costs and controversy, it was dismantled and moved to Concord in 1990. Experts studying the remnants today suggest that an exhibit, not a restoration, may best honor the building’s history.

READ MUCH MORE on Old State House 
ANOTHER PHOTO of the Old State House on Court Street 

Strawbery Banke

 This image from the book STRAWBERY BANKE:
A Seaport Museum 400 Years in the Making
by J. Dennis Robinson
(c) Strawbery Banke Museum Collection